Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Maya numerology

Maya numerology Base 20 counting system

  1. 0 - chun 
  2. 1 - hun 
  3. 2 - You 
  4. 3 - ox 
  5. 4 - Khan 
  6. 5 - koo 
  7. 6 - wak 
  8. 7 - Wuk 
  9. 8 - waxak 
  10. 9 - bolon 
  11. 10 - lahun 
  12. 11 - buluk 
  13. 12 - lahka 
  14. 13 - oxlahun 
  15. 14 - kanlahun 
  16. 15 - koolahun 
  17. 16 - waklahun 
  18. 17 - wuklahun 
  19. 18 - waxaklahun 
  20. 19 - bolonlahun 
  21. 20 - wiknik 

The Yucatec number words reveal a clear vigesimal (base 20) structure with an embedded layer evident in the decimal numeration from 13 through 19.  There are two, possibly three, layers in Maya numerology. 20 on top of 13, on top of five for written numbers

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